休伊是3.14.1.0更新中新加入的能够飞行的载具。它是可以载4人的军用直升机。 在当前版本里它有两个可获得的变种: desert(沙漠) 和forest(森林)。如果在飞行过程中旋翼碰到了任何东西, 休伊会爆炸并杀死里面的所有人.。
华盛顿:地图中Olympia和Paradise军营的停机坪。休伊是极其罕见 的载具。 当一架未使用的休伊被找到, 里面将会有2%到4%的油量。 PEI:Summerside军营的停机坪
用鼠标来控制休伊的俯视和仰视。将鼠标前/后移动将会分别使直升机俯视/仰视。俯仰的方向可以在设置中反转。将鼠标左右移动将会分别使休伊向左/右(侧)分别倾斜。 This represents the "cyclic" in a real helicopter. 这在真的
Yaw is controlled with the strafe/steering buttons (Default: A/D). Yaw is a left/right spinning movement about the main rotor mast. Pressing A/D will cause the Huey to spin left/right respectively. This represents the "anti-torque pedals" in a real helicopter.
Altitude/Throttle is controlled with the forward/reverse buttons (Default: W/S). Pressing W will cause the Huey to go up. When taking off from the ground there is a delay before liftoff while the engine throttles up. Pressing S will throttle the engine down, but does not appear to accelerate downward motion. This represents both the "collective" and "throttle" in a real helicopter.