Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

ID 51 (Forest) • 55 (Desert) • 136 (Olive) • 147 (Coalition) • 171 (French) • 3507 (Grasslands) • 4426 (Brazilian) • 6601 (Vermillin) • 9003 (Woodlands) • 15034 (Irish)
Seats 8
Trunk 30 Storage (6x5)
Forward 65 kph • 40 mph
Backward 27 kph • 17 mph
Brake 32
Vehicle Information
Type Military
File Name Ural_[Type]
Special Traction
Explosion 20
Exit N/A

The Ural is a Rare Car in Unturned 3. It is a military transport vehicle, capable of carrying 8 players at a time. It can be found in forest, desert, olive, Coalition, French, Grasslands, Brazilian, Woodlands, and the Irish variants.


Each of the Ural variants revolve around the same base design: A truck-like vehicle, with a canopy in the truck bed, accompanied by 2 wheels in the front and 4 in the back. Each Ural variant corresponds to its color. (e.g Woodland Ural is to Belgium, as the Irish Ural is to Ireland.)


Belgium: The Woodland Ural can be found at Military Locations at Brussels, Hofer Farm, military encampment outside the tunnel, Florence's Military Base, Ypres and Ypres Road Checkpoint.

California: The Desert Ural and the Olive Ural can be found at Military Locations at Bixby Bridge, Calabasas, military encampment outside the tunnel, Costa Mesa Mall.

Coalition: The Coalition Ural can be found at Military Locations in Ireland and Germany military encampment outside the tunnel or Inside of Berlin Walls.

Cyprus Survival The Grasslands Ural can be found at Military Locations at Agros Military Base, Napa Monastery, and a Crashed Convoy in a Tunnel.

Easter Island: The Vermillin Ural can be found at Military Locations at Terevaka, Rano Raraku Harbor, and Akahanga Burial Grounds. (Vermillin was supported the Chilean Government and was handed Military Grade Items).

France: The French Ural can be found at Military Locations at Orly International, Verdun Airbase, Flamanville Power, Paris, Château de Versailles, Marseille and military encampment outside the tunnel.

Germany: The Olive Ural can be found at Military Locations military encampment outside the tunnel,

Greece: The Grasslands Ural can be found at Military Locations military encampment outside the tunnel, Schwarzwald Military Base, Ostsee Compound, and Aerospace Defense Complex.

Hawaii: The Desert Ural can be found at Military Locations military checkpoints, and Mauna Kea.

Ireland: The Irish Ural can be found at Military Locations Moneypoint Powerplant and Fort Dundree.

PEI: The Forest Ural spawns at Confederation Bridge and the Summerside Military Base.

Washington: The Desert Ural spawns at Olympia Military Base or at the military encampment outside the tunnel.

Rio de Janeiro: The Brazilian Ural can be found at Military Locations.

Russia The Olive Ural can be found at Military Locations.


The Ural has the second highest player capacity of all military vehicles, being able to carry 7 passengers and a driver. Passengers are unprotected.
People can shoot guns out of the back of the truck.
It is fairly fast, especially for a large vehicle. The Ural accelerates slowly.
Has a high fuel capacity.
The Desert Ural can be camouflaged quite easily in the dark due to its plain tan color.
Has a tendency to be very stable while driving, even while off-road. Both the Desert Ural and Vermillin Ural are very visible during the day due to their color schemes.


  • Due to a wheel physics bug in, by touching one of the front wheels of a Ural, it could be sent flying and would not come down until an extensive time had passed.
  • Almost every single Map has their own version of the Ural.
  • The Ural is likely based off the Ural-4320 with the standard cab.

Entity (Unturned 3)
EntityID List

Unturned 3:[]
