Unturned Bunker Wiki
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Unturned II (also incorrectly known as 4.0) is the currently version of the Unturned. It is a video game developed and released by Smartly Dressed Games. Vehicle Demo was released in two waves on October 24, 2018 and May 3, 2019 to prominent content curators and community members. On July 18, 2018 Private Demo was released to anyone who have 2,400 hours or an Experienced Beret. But on May 11, 2022 the game development was put into hold. It is a free-to-play survival game in current development.



The maps take place in a post apocalyptic overrun world some time after 2018. With minimum to no decay and overgrow in every map. On the PC and Console version there are curated maps which are community made maps that become apart of the game as downloadable workshop content.

Map Settings
Name Status Mode Setting
Firing Range Official Survival Firing Range surrounded by forest.
Normal Sandbox Official Survival Small cluster of buildings surrounded a road then a forest.
Misc U3 Props Official Survival Small forested map connected with locations and roads.
Blastlane Official Blastlane Map for Blastlane.
Horde Chapel Official Horde Boarded up chapel.
Horde Potato Official Horde Boarded up building.
Horde Sandbox Official Horde Small cluster of buildings surrounded a road then a forest.







Unturned II Features

Unturned IIGame Mechanics
