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Unturned Bunker Wiki

Pump Jack
Oil 1219
File Oil
ID 1219
Rarity Rare
Type Oil Pump
Slots 9 Slots (3x3)
Health 450%
Range 4 meters • 4.37445 yards
Radius 0.5 meters • 0.54681 yards
Offset 0.75 meters • 0.82021 yards
Explosion 36
Special storage_alternate = 2500 Fuel



The Pump Jack is a Rare Oil Pump in Unturned 3.


When placing the Pump Jack, make sure the Pump Jack is directly on the ground, not on asphalt or a road. When activated and powered by a nearby generator, starts drilling for fuel. The amount of fuel it stores increases slowly as it drills. After 81,(6) consecutive minutes of drilling, the Pump Jack will reach 100% capacity. At any time during the pumping process, the player can retrieve fuel from the Pump Jack using a Portable Gas Can, Industrial Gas Can or Jerrycan.

It requires a nearby activated Generator to function. A single Pump Jack produces enough fuel to power the generator powering it, because the rate at which the Pump Jack produces fuel is much faster than the rate at which generators consume fuel, effectively creating an infinite power source.

For example, the Pump Jack produces a full Gas Can worth of fuel after 16 minutes 22 seconds, and a portable generator can hold 4 Gas Can's worth of fuel. The portable generator will take 666 2/3 minutes of constant energy production to run out of fuel if starting at 100%, meaning that the portable generator will run for 166 2/3 minutes from one Gas Can worth of fuel.


The Pump Jack can be found at Construction Locations and crafted with Metal Sheet, Metal Bar, Chemicals, Portable Gas Can, and Blowtorch



Version Changes The Oil Derrick has been added to the game. The Oil Derrick was renamed to Pump Jack. Pump Jack's fuel capacity was changed from 500 to 2500 units.
Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List
