Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Plastic Explosive
Charge 5106
File Charge
ID 5106
Rarity Epic
Type Barricade
Slots 1 Slots (1x1)
Range 4 meters • 4.37445 yards
Radius 8 meters • 8.74891 yards
Offset 0.05 meters • 0.05468 yards
Player Damage
Damage 200
Zombie Damage
Damage 200
Animal Damage
Damage 200
Miscellaneous Damage
Explosion 36
Special Vulnerable



(Not to be confused with Elver Plastic Explosives.)

The Plastic Explosive is an Epic Remote Explosive in Unturned 3 in the map Kuwait. It is used in conjunction with the Detonator. It produces a beeping sound when placed which can attract nearby zombies or players.


Kuwait: The Plastic Explosive' can only be crafting by using Plastic and Raw Explosives.



Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List
