Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

Military Bottom
File Military_Bottom_Forest • Military_Bottom_Desert • Military_Bottom_Russia • Military_Bottom_Arctic • Military_Bottom_France • Military_Bottom_Grasslands • CA_Military_Bottom_0 • CA_Military_Bottom_2 • ??? • Kuwait_Military_Bottom • Military_Bottom_Brazil • Military_Bottom_Woodlands • IR_Military_Pants_1 • Metro_Military_Pants
ID 308 (Forest) • 1012 (Desert) • 1334 (Olive) • 1517 (Arctic) • 3016 (France) • 3504 (Grasslands) • 4039 (Olive, Cali.) • 4041 (Beige, Cali.) 5302 (Kuwait) • 5684 (Kuwait) • 8008 (Brazil) • 9010 (Woodlands) • 15003 (Irish) • 57008 (Elver)
Rarity Rare
Type Pants
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Storage 12 Storage (4x3)
Armor 0.9 (10% Damage Reduction)



The Military Bottom is Rare Pants in Unturned 3.


There are eleven variants of the Military Bottom: Forest, Desert, Olive, Arctic, France, Grasslands, Olive Cali., Beige, Brazil, Woodlands, Irish, Metro. The variant acquirable is dependent on the map.

  • The forest variant is named the Forest Military Bottom.
  • The desert variant is called the Desert Military Bottom.
  • The olive variant is named the Military Bottom.
  • The arctic variant is called the Arctic Military Bottom.


PEI: The Forest Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Washington: The Desert Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Russia: The Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Hawaii: The Desert Military Bottom can be found at The Ailani, Mauna Kea, and the Alika Base.

Germany: The Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Greece: The Grasslands Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Ireland: The Irish Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

France: The Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Belgium: The Woodlands Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Rio de Janeiro: The Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

California: It can be found at Military Locations as a military loot spawn, or as a common drop from Military Zombies.

Elver: The Military Bottom can be found at Military Locations.

Kuwait: The Desert Military Bottom (5302) can be found at Military Locations.

Kuwait: The Desert Military Bottom (5684) can be bought at the Safezone Node

The list below shows all Military Bottoms and their ID.

Military Bottom Image Map ID
Forest Military Bottom
Military Bottom Forest 308 (1)
308 PEI
Desert Military Bottom
Military Bottom Desert 1012 (1)
1012 Washington & Hawaii
Military Bottom
Military Bottom Russia 1334 (1)
1334 Germany & Russia
Arctic Military Bottom
Military Bottom Arctic 1517 (1)
1517 None
French Military Bottom
Military Bottom France 3016 (1)
3016 France
Grasslands Military Bottom
Military Bottom Grassland 3504 (1)
3504 Greece
Olive Military Bottom
4039 California
Beige Military Bottom
CA Military Bottom 2 4041
4041 California
Desert Military Bottom
Kuwait Military Bottom 5302 (2)
5302 Kuwait
Desert Military Bottom
Military Bottom Desert 5684 (1)
5684 Kuwait
Military Bottom
Military Bottom Brazil 8008 (1)
8008 Brazil
Woodlands Military Bottom
Military Bottom Woodlands 9010 (1)
9010 Belgium
Irish Military Bottom
IR Military Pants 1 15003
15003 Ireland
Military Bottom
Metro Military Pants 57008
57008 Elver


  • The Desert Military Bottom used to use ID 308 before the Forest Military Bottom was added.
Clothing (Unturned 3)

ClothingID List
