Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

The Industrial Generator is a generator in Unturned 3. It is the larger and more effective version of the Portable Generator.


Once turned on, it will emit a continuous sound and provide electricity in a very large radius to anything that requires electricity, such as Spotlights and interactable objects. It takes 1,666 2/3 minutes (27 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds) to reach 0% from 100%.

The generator has a radius four times the size of the Portable Generator, making it significantly more space efficient by comparison.

Its large fuel capacity makes it the most high-density storage unit for fuel in the game.


The Industrial Generator can be crafted by using 7 Portable Generators or can be very rarely found in Construction Locations and Hardware stores.



Version Changes The Industrial Generator was added to the game. Fuel capacity changed from 333 1/3 minutes to 666 2/3 minutes. Maximum running time changed from 666 2/3 minutes to 1,333 1/3 minutes.


  • Strangely, the Industrial Generator doesn't require wires to power things.
  • It takes 32 Gas Cans to fill the Industrial Generator up to 99%, with one extra Gas Can to to fill it up to 100%.
Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List

Unturned 3:[]
