Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki
(Not to be confused with California Clacker Detonator and Arid Remote Detonator)

Detonator 1240
File Detonator
ID 1240
Rarity Rare
Type Remote Trigger
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)



(Not to be confused with California Clacker Detonator and Arid Remote Detonator)

The Detonator is a Rare Remote Trigger in Unturned 3. It is used in conjunction with a Charge.


RMB (Default Keybind) with the Detonator is used to activate the Remote Trigger you are looking at and LMB (Default Keybind) will detonate them. You are not restricted to a single active Remote Trigger, and may have up to eight active. With more than one active, they will detonate in the order that they were activated.

The highlight around a Remote Trigger signifies its current state. Red means it is disabled, yellow means it is selected while disabled, green means it is active, and blue means it is selected while active.


The Detonator can be obtained at Military Locations and from Mega Zombies drops at every map excluding California, Carpat, Dango, and Elver.

Easter Island: The Detonator can be obtained at Vermillin Locations and from Mega Zombies drops.

Yukon: The Detonator can be obtained at Construction Locations.

Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Sky Detonator 44041
File Sky_Detonator
ID 44041
Rarity Rare
Type Remote Trigger
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Special Backward • Should_Drop_On_Death False



The Detonator is a Rare Remote Trigger in Unturned 3 in the map Dango.


RMB (Default Keybind) with the Detonator is used to activate the Remote Trigger you are looking at and LMB (Default Keybind) will detonate them. You are not restricted to a single active Remote Trigger, and may have up to eight active. With more than one active, they will detonate in the order that they were activated.

The highlight around a Remote Trigger signifies its current state. Red means it is disabled, yellow means it is selected while disabled, green means it is active, and blue means it is selected while active.


Dango: The Detonator is obtained at the start of every round.

Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Metro Detonator 57063
File Metro_Detonator
ID 57063
Rarity Epic
Type Remote Trigger
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Special Backward



The Detonator is an Epic Remote Trigger in Unturned 3 in the map Elver.


RMB (Default Keybind) with the Detonator is used to activate the Remote Trigger you are looking at and LMB (Default Keybind) will detonate them. You are not restricted to a single active Remote Trigger, and may have up to eight active. With more than one active, they will detonate in the order that they were activated.

The highlight around a Remote Trigger signifies its current state. Red means it is disabled, yellow means it is selected while disabled, green means it is active, and blue means it is selected while active.


Elver: The Detonator can be obtained at Military Locations from Mega Zombies and crafted with Military Radio, Rubber, Metal Scrap, and Glue.




Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Frost Detonator 36368
File Frost_Detonator
ID 36368
Rarity Epic
Type Remote Trigger
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Special Backward



The Detonator is an Epic Remote Trigger in Unturned 3 in the map Elver.


RMB (Default Keybind) with the Detonator is used to activate the Remote Trigger you are looking at and LMB (Default Keybind) will detonate them. You are not restricted to a single active Remote Trigger, and may have up to eight active. With more than one active, they will detonate in the order that they were activated.

The highlight around a Remote Trigger signifies its current state. Red means it is disabled, yellow means it is selected while disabled, green means it is active, and blue means it is selected while active.


A6 Polaris: The Detonator can be obtained at Military Locations or as a drop from Mega Zombies.

Unturned 3[]

Gear (Unturned 3)

GearID List
