Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Clay Table
Tablet Clay 6648
File Tablet_Clay
ID 6648
Rarity Uncommon
Type Barricade
Build Sign Wall
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Health 150%
Range 4 meters • 4.37445 yards
Offset 0.5 meters • 0.54681 yards
Explosion 19
Special Sign_Wall



The Clay Tablet is an Uncommon Barricade in Unturned 3 in the map Easter Island. It allows the player to insert their own text to be displayed on the front surface. It has the worst health when compared to alternatives.


The text must be compatible with UTF-8 character encoding for it to appear. Otherwise, the Placard shares similar text behaviour as the Note. The number of numerical and alpha characters allowed to save is 230. Extended ASCII characters would reduce the number of allowed characters to save. Space (Default Keybind) and Enter (Default Keybind) keys do not count towards the total.


Easter Island: The Clay Tablet can only be crafted with Clay.



  • Clay (x2) = Clay Tablet


  • The Clay Tablet description is a slightly edited version of the Crate and Locker description.
Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List
