Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

Downloadable Workshop Content
This page contains official, curated, timed curated, or timed curated downloadable workshop content that has been officially moved to the Steam Workshop, and is not available without being manually downloaded.
Cheese Wheel
Cheese Wheel 3071
File Cheese Wheel
ID 3071
Rarity Rare
Type Barricade
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)



The Cheese Wheel is a Rare Barricade in Unturned 3 in the map France.


France: The Cheese Wheel can be obtained at Restaurants.


  • Cheese Wheel used to spawn at Usine but was removed when Usine was changed.
  • It appears to be missing a portion of cheese, possibly a reference to the Cheese item.
  • When punched paper comes out
Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List
