Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

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Brick Container
Container Brick 6649
GUID f9637e898bd04f50bef1ec2c9a7b5d09
File Container_Brick
ID 6649
Rarity Epic
Type Storage
Build Storage
Slots 4 Slots (2x2)
Storage 64 Storage (8x8)
Health 500%
Range 4 meters • 4.37445 yards
Radius 0.25 meters • 0.2734 yards
Offset 0.69 meters • 0.75459 yards
Explosion 36
Special Locked



The Brick Container is an Epic Item Storage in Unturned 3 in the map Easter Island. It is a brick-colored square container with a handle hole on the sides and a darker colored lid on top.


The Brick Container is an item storage that has significantly more storage space (64 storage slots) than Lockers or Metal Wardrobes. However, it has slightly less health than both of the latter. It is also limited to Easter Island, where clay deposits are common enough to make Brick Containers viable there.


Easter Island: The Brick Container can only be crafted with Bricks, Clay, and Blowtorch.




  • The Brick Container description is a slightly edited version of the Crate and Locker description.
Entity (Unturned 3)
BuildingID List
