Unturned Bunker Wiki
Unturned Bunker Wiki

Antibiotics 389
File Antibiotics
ID 389
Rarity Rare
Type Medicine
Slots 1 Slots (1x1)
Health +35%
Immunity +35%



Antibiotics is a rare medical item in Unturned.


The Antibiotics is found in Pharmacies or Hospitals.


  • The appearance of Antibiotics is similar to the appearance of the Painkillers, but with an orange body instead of blue.
  • Antibiotics in real-life do not reduce sickness. They are used to decrease infection that the person has in the body.
  • This item is the densest source of healing due to it replenishing 35% health and 35% immunity each. Carrying 4 of these has the capacity to replenish 140% health and 140% immunity total. Knowing this information, if you were given the choice of taking 4 Antibiotics or 1 Medkit, taking the antibiotics would be the obvious choice since the Medkit would take up the same number of slots while replenishing less total health. It may not sound like that big of a deal in the moment, but small information like this will make or break your chances of survival in the long term.

See also[]

Survival (Unturned 3)
FarmingFishingHuntingID ListSurvival


Item ID: 389
Item Type: Medical
Health Recovery: 50%
Illness Reduction: -25%
Equippable? Yes
Stackable? Yes
Weight: .08kg/.176lbs
Examine Text: Pills to combat disease.

Antibiotics are a rare medical supply in Unturned. It is usually found in Medical Locations such as Pharmacies, medical tents and military locations.

Item Conditions[]


  • Antibiotics can recover 50% of the player's health.
  • It can decrease a quarter of the illness bar (25%).
  • It is lightweight.


  • It is rare to find.


  • The appearance of Antibiotics is similar to the appearance of the Painkillers, but has an orange body instead of blue.
  • Antibiotics in real-life do not reduce sickness. They are used to decrease a bacterial infection that a person has in their body.

Unturned 3[]

Unturned Classic[]
